Tag: Formal Writing

Formal Writing Assessment: Gattaca and the Early 20th Century
This task is a culmination of our study of Andrew Niccol’s Dystopian Film, Gattaca. This is an opportunity to put your writing skills to the test in the formal context. The goal is to match your writing style to the demands of the highly conceptual content.

1.5 Formal Writing Assessment: Vaulting Ambition in Shakespeare’s Macbeth
This task is a culmination of our study of William Shakespeare’s Tragedy Macbeth. This is an opportunity to explore the techniques of language, structure and conventions of theatre that Shakespeare employed to convey his strongest themes

Shakespeare: Macbeth
Our first text in our study of Dire Ambition is William Skakespeare’s “Macbeth”. One of the world’s most famous studies of the corrupting effects of ambition and power.